I am a Danish economist, architect and entrepreneur.
I was born in 1946 and am a typical example of a Scandinavian post-war child who, thanks to the Danish welfare model, had a safe upbringing, received free education and can look forward to a safe old age.
I have taken an active part in the youth uprising of the 1970s, I have lived in a commune and moved to Mozambique with my whole family to help build an independent nation after the Portuguese colonialism.
Since we, in the 1970s, believed that inequity problems could be solved politically, I became more and more skeptical of politicians and began to take an interest in information technology, which has now developed to a point where citizens have the opportunity to take back power.
1966 High school diploma, Soenderborg, Denmark
1969 Bachelor degree in economics, Aarhus University, Denmark
1977 Master’s degree in planning, School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark
1970 – 1971 Secretary for Housing and Finance, Students Council , Aarhus University, Denmark
1972 – 1978 Lecturer, School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark
1978 – 1981 Head of Regional Planning, National Institut for Physical Planning , Mozambique
1982 – 1984 Head of Department, Development Studies, School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark
1984 – 1985 Planning Adviser, Quelimane , Mozambique
1985 – 1993 Researcher, Department of Computer Science, School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark
1993 – 1999 Technical Director, CSC Information Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark
1999 – Freelance consultant and entrepreneur in Danmark, Mozambique and Portugal
1971 Community center “Æsken”, Aarhus, Denmark
1972 Publishing company “Modtryk”, Aarhus, Denmark
1984 Nightclub “Café Paradis”, Aarhus, Denmark
1993 GammaSoft ApS, Holding company
2002 Belavista, Lda. Real estate, Pemba, Mozambique
Den lange vej gennem krisen
Fl. Arentoft, et al. – Modtryk 1976
Dansk boligpolitik og krisen
Jens V. Svendsen – Modtryk 1977
Urban Planning and Housing in Independent Mozambique
Bary Pinsky, et al. – WUS 1983